Municipal Projects



Ray Road / Alma School Road   

Chandler, AZ


Lead traffic engineer providing intersection improvement designs that included traffic signal modification plans, pavement marking, roadway signing, and lighting plans. Improvements included adding one additional lane on each approach to the intersection. Extensive coordination between the roadway engineer, the landscape designer, and the City of Chandler was required. The City also elected to have SRP install fiber optic vaults and conduit prior to the intersection roadway improvements which allowed the City of Chandler to have constant contact with the intersection of Ray Road/Alma School Road during construction. Chris also served in a post design role to answer RFI’s and reviewing shop drawings associated with the project.   

Gilbert Road: Ocotillo Road to Hunt Highway

Chandler, AZ


Served as lead traffic engineer providing roadway improvement design plans that included new traffic signal plans, a temporary span-wire signal plan, interconnect design plans, and LED roadway lighting plans. Designs included both Phase II and III of the project. Improvements involved widening Gilbert Road from one lane in each direction to two lanes in each direction with a wide median between Ocotillo Road and Hunt Highway. A unique aspect of this project was obtaining vertical clearance from Salt River Project (SRP) based on work being done within their easement on Ocotillo Road. 

Old Price Road / Queen Creek Road

Chandler, AZ


Lead traffic engineer responsible for traffic analysis which determined the lane configurations and turn lane storage requirements at the intersection taking future traffic volumes from the Wells Fargo and Intel developments into consideration. A roadway lighting analysis was then completed for the new LED lighting which was installed on Old Price Road, south of Queen Creek Road. Other project features included traffic signal modification, pavement marking and roadway signing plans. Challenges included coordinating signing with MCDOT  and Salt River Project (SRP) .   

McQueen Road Segments 1 and 2: Ocotillo Road to Riggs Road. Roadway Improvements. Chandler, AZ     



Lead traffic engineer providing intersection improvement designs that included traffic signal plans at McQueen Road/Chandler Heights Road, pavement marking, roadway signing, roadway lighting and interconnect plans. This project allowed the City of Chandler to improve the cross section on McQueen Road to include two lanes in each direction while leaving median space for future widening to the ultimate six-lane configuration. Coordination was required with RWCD in order to cross existing irrigation facilities with the new roadway lighting and interconnect conduits needed for the project. 

City of Buckeye Traffic Engineering On-Call.  Buckeye, AZ    

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Traffic engineer. As a part of the City of Buckeye’s On-Call engineering contract, Chris has performed multiple TIA reviews, design reviews and traffic signal warrant analyses. These TIA reviews have allowed Chris to work as a partner with the City of Buckeye in the role as technical reviewer.

TIA reviews for the City have included: Festival Ranch Planning Unit 3 Master TIA, Jackrabbit Square TIA, Trillium Master TIA and Desert Hills Baptist Church TIS.  

Roosevelt Street Improvement District. Buckeye, AZ

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Supported former employer's traffic-consultant engineering services efforts for the City of Buckeye as lead traffic engineer. The City of Buckeye has moved forward with an Improvement District (ID) that roughly includes the area bounded by Dean Road, Jackrabbit Trail, Van Buren Street and McDowell Road.  Traffic-consultant engineering design services, led by Chris Williams, included traffic signal design, roadway signing/pavement marking design, signing/pavement marking and traffic control plans for the project.