Traffic Impact Studies

Chris has completed numerous Traffic Impact Analyses (TIA's) following the criteria of many jurisdictions across the state of Arizona. Typical tasks include trip generation, traffic assignment, capacity analysis, traffic signal warrant analysis and evaluation of improvement alternatives. In the course of traffic study preparation Chris has developed an expertise in a variety of software packages including HCS, Synchro and TransCAD. 

Traffic Demand Model.  Chandler, AZ

Traffic engineer for this City of Chandler project that included calculating the trip generation for Downtown Chandler and the area between Rural Road, Val Vista Drive, Baseline Road, and Riggs Road (Approx.110 square miles) using the existing land uses. A detailed traffic demand model (TransCAD) was developed of the Downtown Chandler area and for the entire roadway network in the model. The existing Chandler Synchro Model was revised, in conjunction with the development of the TransCAD model to reflect the current and proposed conditions.

A gravity model and traffic assignment was run using the trip generation for the existing conditions. The traffic model was calibrated to match existing traffic volumes as provided by City of Chandler traffic counts and the 2008 MAG traffic model. Future traffic volumes in 2011, and 2028, were then estimated based on trip generation of known future developments such as the Chandler City Hall, Meridian West and other known downtown projects. Arizona Avenue was further analyzed under various roadway network configurations in order to evaluate the affect of providing various roadway connections in Downtown Chandler.

The results of this analysis, which considered proposed traffic volumes, intersection level of service, right-of-way constraints and utility conflicts, was provided to the project team to assist in the selection of the preferred roadway network configuration.